
Working papers

Does the media respond to political messaging? Evidence from local newspaper coverage of climate change (with Graham Beattie)

The differential benefits of market-based water pollution control policy (with Zach Raff and Arthur Wardle)

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and the environmental justice of public versus private wells (with Zach Raff)

Work in progress

Employment effects of Clean Water Act 303d impaired water listings (with Zach Raff)

Water quality trading under stringent standards: lessons from Wisconsin (with Zach Raff)

Bunching in the appliance market: strategic engineering or energy rating test manipulation? (with Andrew Hanson and Ian Lange)

Published and accepted papers

The effect of water pollution regulation on prices: Evidence from Wisconsin’s phosphorus rule and sewer utility bills, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2024, 124: 102914 (with Z. Raff).

Remotely sensed imagery reveals animal feeding operations increase downstream dissolved reactive phosphorus, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2024, 60(2): 620-638. (with Z. Raff and S. Porter)

Political differences in air pollution abatement under the Clean Air Act, Journal of Public Economics, 2022, 212: 104688 (with Z. Raff and J. Walter). [link to working paper version] [link to online appendix]

Do economic conditions affect climate change beliefs and support for climate action? Evidence from the US in the wake of the Great Recession, Economic Inquiry, 2022, 60(1): 64-86. [link to working paper version]

CAFOs and surface water quality: Evidence from Wisconsin, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2022, 104: 161-189 (with Z. Raff). [link to working paper version]

Incorporating Beliefs and Experiences into Choice Experiment Analysis: Implications for the National Park Service, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2021, 43(2): 823-848 (with S. Dissanayake).

Shifts in precipitation, hydrology, and land use affects phosphorus concentrations and loads in an agricultural watershed, Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 284: 112019 (with D. Waller, Z. Raff, and S. Apfelbaum).

Elite Influence on Climate Change Skepticism: Evidence from Close Gubernatorial Elections. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2019, 6(4): 783-822. [link to working paper version]

Perceptions of Institutional Quality: Evidence of Limited Attention to Higher Education Rankings. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2017, 142: 241-258 (with A. Hanson and D. Hickman).

The Impact of Education on Political Ideology: Evidence from European Compulsory Education Reforms. Economics of Education Review, 2017, 56: 9-23.

Does Athletic Success Influence Persistence at Higher Education Institutions? New Evidence Using Panel Data. Contemporary Economic Policy, 2017, 35(4): 658-676 (with D. Hickman).

Analyzing the Characteristics of Plants Choosing to Opt-Out of the Large Combustion Plant Directive. Utilities Policy, 2017, 45: 61-68 (with G. Pac).

Does Eco-labeling of Services Matter? Evidence from Higher Education. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2016. 16(4), doi: (with D. Hickman).

Is Unemployment Good for the Environment? Resource and Energy Economics, 2016, 45: 18-30.

Maine North Woods National Park: Preferences of Out-of-state Visitors. Maine Policy Review, 2016, 25(1): 54-62 (with R. Matsuura and S. Dissanayake).

Explaining the Fixed Cost Component of Discounting: The Importance of Students’ Liquidity Constraints. Economics Bulletin, 2016, 36(1): 355-364.

Heterogeneity in the Preferences and Pro-Environmental Behavior of College Students: The Effects of Years on Campus, Demographics, and External Factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112(4): 3451-3463.

How Much versus Who: Which Social Norms Information is More Effective? Applied Economics, 2016, 48(5): 389-401 (with G. Yang).

The Impacts of Elicitation Mechanism and Reward Size on Estimated Rates of Time Preference. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2015, 48(1): 132-148.

Does Education Increase Pro-Environmental Behavior? Evidence from Europe. Ecological Economics, 2015, 111: 108-121.

How Responsive are EU Coal-Burning Plants to Changes in Energy Prices? The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 2015, 15(3): 1481-1506 (with G. Pac).

Estimating Discount Factors for Public and Private Goods and Testing Competing Discounting Hypotheses. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 2013, 46(2): 133-173.

Intertemporal Valuation of River Restoration. Environmental and Resource Economics, 2013, 54(1): 41-61.

Environmental Performance of State-Owned and Privatized Eastern European Energy Utilities. Energy Economics, 2013, 36: 205-214 (with G. Pac).